
The goal of the dental medicine education is to school dentists who handle the oral and dental health as a whole with all aspects of human health, aware of all developments concerning oral and dental health, able to give effective oral and dental services in both preventative and treatment areas, and act as an active member of the health community taking duties and responsibilities while taking into consideration occupational ethics.

In our faculty the education period is a total of 5 years consisting of year round classes in two terms. Clinical internship starts in the 4th year. 103 students have graduated according to 2001-2002 academic year statistics. The Faculty of Dentistry serves in four buildings. These are building A with the Dean’s Office and administrative units, and B,C and D buildings with clinics of departments laboratories, conference halls and amphitheatres. There is a total of 4 amphitheatres, 3 student labs, 1 oral pathology lab, 9 student clinics, 8 academic clinics, 2 operating theatres belonging to the Department of Oral-Dental-Maxillofacial Illnesses Surgery Clinic, 1 operating theatre belonging to the Department of Periodontology, 1 Conference Hall, 1 Seminar Hall and 1 student canteen.

Our students are provided with lunch in the social installation in the Emek campus. In addition, Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry Foundation provides scholarships to a number of students each year. Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry Magazine has been published since 1984 periodically and is of high quality. Student groups organize cultural and artistic events such as concerts, exhibitions, trips and conferences. Every year a graduates’ day is organized where graduates of 25 years come together for a social and scientific interaction. Our faculty not only serves as an education facility but also treats of approximately 325.000 patients every year.


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